Friday 23 July 2010

Around 2-and-a-half miles from home...

These radial routes take me in all directions.  Monday I was by Tower Bridge, where there was a lot of diggery-pokery going on and the shore beneath the Tower of London.  Surprising that it's possible to dig up artefacts at such a shallow depth in the heart of London.  I would have thought that they'd all have been whisked away  many years ago.

Wednesday I was over by the Excell centre where this fairly well-known faded sign is (Junction of Boxley Street/North Woolwich Road).  I wonder whether the old telephone exchange was ALBany or ALBion. 
And today I was completely in the opposite direction near Horniman's Museum.  I was quite impressed to see a road sign for an 18% incline - I didn't know gradients got that big in South East London.  But I resisted to urge to take a picture because I was already at the top of the hill and downhill at 18% represents no challenge.  I'm going to have to come at it from the other side.  (There was no way if I'd gone down that I'd have managed to turn around and go back up again.)  Still, down the west side of the hill I passed this sign that I've been meaning to snap.  It doesn't really need much information because it tells you pretty much where and what it is...

Does the fact that it's no longer a Post Office make it a post-Post Office?

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